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5 Reasons Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day

If you heard it once you’ve heard it a thousand times… But it’s true; breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! While you sleep your body is fasting and that means by the time you wake up it’s time for you to refuel. Your body needs to be restocked with nutrients to help you get your metabolism off to a running start. A good balanced breakfast containing carbohydrates, protein and fats (the healthy kind of course) has so many benefits and here are just a couple of examples:

1. Improves concentration
When your body is low in carbohydrates your energy levels are in short supply. This can cause you to feel light-headed and dizzy. By consuming some carbs early in the morning you will get your brain fired up and running increasing your productivity and ability to concentrate throughout the day. Porridge is a great option, but if you’re not a fan try adding some banana, blueberries and cinnamon to help with the flavour!


2. You will be less irritable
Hangry! The dreaded mixture of hunger and anger. Eating breakfast will help you regulate your blood glucose levels that will help keep those mood swings at bay and will also prevent you from dragging your colleagues down with you – misery breeds company!

3. Reduces snacking
By eating a balanced meal in the morning you will stay fuller for longer reducing the urge to snack before lunchtime. But if you feel your willpower beginning to slip – try drinking a pint of water as sometimes you may just be dehydrated which gives a similar feeling to hunger.

4. Healthier choices
When you are hungry all your body just wants you to do is eat. It doesn’t care what you eat as long are you fill it up something and this means that you will be more likely to make a decision based on convenience rather than nutritional value. Carbohydrates help to regulate blood sugars and this will help to reduce your sugar cravings throughout the day. If you’ve eaten a good breakfast you will think twice about picking up a muffin with your morning coffee.

5. Aids in weight loss
This is similar to the last two points I made. By being smarter with your food choices and picking healthier options you will fill your body up with the good stuff and stay fuller for longer. A reduction in snacking will reduce your overall calorie intake and help in the promotion of weight loss in the long run.

I find that a lot of people don’t like eating early in the morning or are too rushed to prepare something healthy. If you are one of these people please know that there are plenty of options out there to fit your lifestyle. If I have time in the morning I like to whip up a two egg omelette with some ham, feta, tomatoes and spinach.

However, if I know that I am going to be in a rush in the morning I will prepare some overnight oats or blend up a smoothie in the morning. These are great options for people who don’t enjoy having a big meal in the morning because you can take them with you to work or wherever it is that you have to be and have them when you’re ready. I would encourage everyone to make the time to eat a well-balanced breakfast and get their day off to a good healthy start.

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